Tuesday, July 31, 2007
How to lose three hours - go internet shopping
This week has been much busier than last week thus far, which is good because now i feel like i am actually doing something not just wasting my time. The new replacement iPod is working a treat and i now have a smile on my face whilst walking to work in the mornings again :)
Right, back to the grind.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Now thats what i call service!
I am soooooooooooooooo bored at the moment as we have naff all work at the moment. I have been sneakily doing my OU notes when no-one is watching! I need a holiday methinks, and thank goodness its not that long until we go!!! :)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Lemon squeezer wielding assassin

Today has been largely uneventful, as usual, but i did manage to purchase myself a necklace and a bracelet for my hols! Yay! I got myself a really really nice piece of polished Amethyst and bought some black cord and made that in a necklace, which is very nice and very me, and i found a really nice Snowflake Obsidian bracelet in Arcadia. Amethyst is said to promote, healing, calm, dreams and restful sleep, and Snowflake Obsidian is said to promote safe travel, increased energy, sensitivity, understanding and change. I am counting down the days to our backpacking trip now and getting very excited indeed *nods*. I have started to gather stuff together to take with me - i have a new toothbrush, some toiletries (face wipes, deoderants etc), a pair of cargo pants, some socks and two tops. I also have my travelling notebook and swiss army knife. I have yet to find a pen that i want to take travelling tho. I was thinking of getting a Parker pen, but i can't find one i like, and the purple pens that i love go through the paper of my travelling notebook :( Hmph. Oh well, i'm sure i'll find one before i go.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
iPod goes bub-bies
Monday, July 23, 2007
Yesterday i walked a total of 7 miles with a heavy bergen, and boy am i feeling it today! Methinks i still have lots of training to do! But i did it, and i am very proud of myself :) I now have a map of Europe on the wall next to my desk and it has little pins in the places we might be going to :)
Today was the grand office move, but i stayed where i am :( I am not allowed to move to my plush new office until we get back from backpacking :( Most of my friends have now been moved to the downstairs office and it is very very quiet up here. But thankfully one of my closest friends in the office - Sammie - is now moving to the desk opposite mine, so i wont be completely alone for very long! It's weird, coming into the office and not being insulted by Glen....this may take some getting used to! :)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The 'Backpacker Steph' doll project is underway... and i know who dies in the new Harry Potter book!!! Mwah ha ha haaaa!!!

So now, all i have to do is paint her eyes green (at the mo they are a scary purple colour...i have always wanted purple eyes but it actually look quite creepy on the doll), paint my rings and a necklace on her and make her some little backpacker clothes and a bergen. Shes going to look awesome when shes done! I had the above picture as my display picture on Windows Live Messenger, and one of my friends said - "Is it wise to have a voodoo doll that looks exactly like you in the house?!?!". We're now going to start working on the next one - Camping Bex! :) I think i'm going to have to hunt down a Backpacker Naidel too :)
Today was very busy. We went to the TA welfare lunch, where we had a hog roast and then went on a treasure hunt, which me and Kate won!!! We ran frantically around the TA centre grounds to find the clues, adn eventually i worked out the final clue and won us £20! Go us! Then we went to Homebase for four paving stones and came out with a shed load of stuff we didnt need (including a v.pretty purple orchid for mine and Naidel's room - stylish), and then we had to take the car to Naidel's dad's garage so someone could buy it, then fought our way through Tesco's, where i got the bargain of the year - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (which, bear in mind, had been released at midnight ) for a total of £5!!! One of my friends went to ger hers at midnight and paid full price for it, which i believe was something around £17.99!!!! Oh and by the way..... I KNOW WHO DIES!!!! Mwah ha ha haaaaaaaaa! Actually i was quite disappointed, personally i think she could have done better. In fact, i think I could have done better, but thats because i foolishly consider myself a writer :)
Friday, July 20, 2007
Acquisition of more travelling stuff
I have very little planned for this weekend. We're heading to a TA families welfare thingy and then doing some grocery shopping tomorrow, and for Sunday i shall probably doing naff all. I am tempted to take Naidel's brother to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, as i'm interested to see how the film correlates with the book (as it is pretty much the only Harry Potter book i have read from start to finish other than the first one). Transformers is due out next week, which i am very much looking forward to as it is going to be awesome! I'm going to attempt some more writing this weekend, but i am struggling with it at the mo....I need my muse (but sadly he is still in the sandy place). Bah.
Hmm i still smell like burning.....
Not happy
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Guen and Ixian present.........


Do spiders scream when they're burning?
So, to the writing!
Now i have writers block. *puts head in hands and screams*
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
It's amazing what people find you to do when they know you're bored
Bordom and sleepness....ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Monday, July 16, 2007
Workin' my booty off
Bah, that noise is the phone (was starting to think i had tinitus or something...), oh well, back to reality....for a couple of hours at least.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Better than I thought!
Managed to sync my palm pilot to my laptop last night but it is being a bitch and wont let me load photos. Also no matter how many times i delete Glen's profile it just wont budge! Dargh! Even tried to do a hard reset and its not moving! Glen is going to try and fix it today, though i'm not sure he'll be much use as he can't even get his new palm to work on his laptop!
Kate and I are going to dinner with some of her clients tonight which will be thrilling (note the sarcasm). We've been putting it off for the last three months but we can't really keep doing it, so we figured it would be better to just go and get it out of the way. Personally i'd rather go home and read a book or sleep.
Oh well, back to world domination.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Going up in the world
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Oh what fun....
Found a good website for backpacking info > > www.the-backpacking-site.com. It has some good tips and some very helpful links. Been checking out Inter-rail passes, apparently because we are under 25 we are classed as youths in Europe and thus pay lots less than Adults! We do, however, have to travel standard class! Planning is going ok, have managed to convince my parents that i will not fall down a mountain and break my legs or get abducted never to be seen again. I will be well looked after by my Naidel, he'd never let anything happen to me :) And i am not as accident prone as everyone makes out....
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Lobster has landed
Monday, July 09, 2007
Uh oh
Now that Glen knows i'm going backpacking he has been regaling me with stories of when he and his wife went travelling for a year. I don't think he's been so animated in weeks! Not sure if its because he has finally found someone to bore with his travelling stories or because he's getting rid of me for a month. Bit of both methinks.
When my alarm went off this morning i turned it off and mumbled "hunni, time to get up". Then i turned over and realised Naidel wasn't there and subsquently balled my eyes out. No morning cuddles, no octopus, no monster. Just Guen and Ixian staring at me expectantly (i foolishly told them i am taking them travelling with us....now Guen keeps trying to get in my bergen and Ixian is bouncing around like he's had fourteen packets of Haribo...). I thought that I was ok and that I was dealing with him going back quite well, but apparently not. I'm not as bad as i was when he left in Feb, but I'm not good either. I miss him and he's only been gone a day. I got used to his warm presence about the house, and now i'm cold again. Hmph.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
'Songs to Backpack to' playlist (on shiny new pink iPod)
LA Song - Christian Kane
Waiting - Green Day
Autobiography - Ashlee Simpson
Until My Ship Comes In - Dum Dums
Runaway - Avril Lavigne
Ironic (Isn't It?) - Alanis Morissette
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Spin Around - Josie
Skylight - Overseer
In Another Life - Ashlee Simpson
Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
Army of Two - Dum Dums
In The End - Linkin Park
Tomorrow - Avril Lavigne
Bohemian Like You - Dandy Warhols
Follow Me Home - Sugababes
Transylvanian Concubine - Rasputina
Things I'll Never Say - Avril Lavigne
Crawling - Linkin Park
Wake Up - Rage Against The Machine
Runaway - Halo Friendlies
One Day (I'll Fly Away) - Nicole Kidman
Temptation Waits - Garbage
Feeling Good - Muse
By The Way - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Boogie 2Nite - Booty Luv
Somebody Told Me - The Killers
If Only She Knew - Michelle Branch
Miss Independent - Kelly Clarkson
Stepping To The Beat - Lazaro
Feel Good Time - P!nk/William Orbit
Love Don't Let Me Go - David Guetta
Suddenly I See - KT Tunstall
My World - Avril Lavigne
Haunted - Evanescence
I Need A Miracle - Cascada
Misfit - Amy Studt
Hey Ya! - Outkast
River's Dance - Firefly OSA
Spybreak! - Propellerheads
I Wonder - Diffuser
Prep For Flight - Serenity OSA
What A Wonderful World - Joey Ramone
Love - Serenity OSA
Disappear - Halo Friendlies
Coming Back For More - Ashlee Simpson
Grace Kelly - Mika
You're A Star - Josie
Holiday - Green Day
Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5
SOS - Rihanna
You Set Me Free - Michelle Branch
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
I Am Me - Ashlee Simpson
I'll Never Tell - OMWF Buffy Cast
Ugly - Sugababes
How To Save A Life - The Fray
The Kind Of Day I've Had - Dum Dums
Listen To Your Heart - DHT feat Edmee
Unwritten - Natasha Beddingfield
Who Knew - P!nk
Defying Gravity - Wicked OSA
La La - Ashlee Simpson
Leave You Far Behind - Lunatic Calm
Basket Case - Green Day
Fragile Heart - Jewel
I'm Not That Girl - Wicked OSA
Everywhere - Michelle Branch
Hitchin A Ride - Green Day
Undiscovered - Ashlee Simpson
Papercut - Linkin Park
Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne
Nobody Knows - P!nk
Innocence - Avril Lavigne
New Born - Muse
Any suggestions for more music much appreciated :)
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Today is the usual tedium, tho we are making plans for my change of job role today, which will be interesting. Thank goodness i have the next few days off! I could get used to these three-day weeks.....
Tomorrow is going to be spent with a few of our friends which will be nice. On Friday Naidel is taking me to London where we shall spend the day together, which i am really looking forward to. In keeping with tradition, we're going to our usual corner of Hyde park and having hot dogs :) It's probably going to piss it down with rain, but i wont care, because i'll be with my Naidel. He's going back to Afghan soon and i shall be sad again :( Thankfully it's not for very long this time, because i don't know how much longer i can stand being without him! Since he's been home i've realised just how much i need him in my life and how much i took him for granted before he left. Every moment i spend with him from now on will be precious to me.
Right i'm off to play with my pink nano :) It holds sooooooooooo many songs! Woo!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Office politics and daily tedium
Went to see my new office on the First Floor today. I am extreemly pleased that i got the office that i wanted. I've been walking past it for ages thinking how great it would be to work in that room, and now i finally will! It's a smaller office across the corridor from the big office, its just about big enough for me, Glen and Mark, a filing cabinet or two and a sofa (though i haven't quite managed to convince them that a sofa is a good idea yet). It doesn't look like much at the moment because it is very empty and is being decorated, but its going to be really nice when its all fixed up. I am hoping to bagsy the desk space next to the window as it is quite a cosy little cubby hole and its nice and bright. Also it has a radiator next to it which will be fab in winter as this building is bloody freezing most of the time! There is a little bit of civil unrest with regards to my promotion, a few whispers of "She doesn't deserve it", "Why should she be given such a cake-walk of a job" and "Director's pet". Well, to all those people, i say the following:
1) I got the promotion because i work my butt off, I do extra stuff i don't have to do and go above and beyond the call of duty. I work from 8.30am and i tend to work until 5.30pm most nights, and i have been known to work until 7pm.
2) This job is NOT going to be a cake-walk. It is in fact going to be one of the hardest jobs going. I will be dealing with double the recommended capacity and will be doing extra duties that will make me a proper PA as opposed to an administrator. Its going to be very very hard.
3) I am far from director's pet. I was chosen because of my skills and working attitude, not because i get on with the directors. Granted the fact that i have a sense of humor and can get away with openly taking the piss out of them both is a plus, but its not why i was chosen. I have no doubt that i will get shouted at lots in the first month or so because i'm learning a whole new system and thus am bound to fuck it up.
There, so thats put paid to those comments. Office politics, eh?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Pics from a day spent with friends
News of the good kind
Back to the grind....but with a very big smile on my face
We picked him up about midday on Monday in the end. We left at 4am Monday morning and got to Brize Norton at 8.30, only to be told the flight was delayed until 12.40 and we should come back in 3 hours. Hmm. So, what to do for three hours? We found a town called Witney, and in true femaile tradition, shopped. I bought the most adorable My Little Pony t-shirt - how vintage! We got a phone call at about 11.30 from Naidel saying he'd landed, so we rushed back to Brize Norton to get him. I spotted him as soon as we were in sight of the terminal and waved manically at him. He threw his arms around me tight and my heart was beating so fast i thought it was going to explode out of my chest! It felt as if the last four months had never happened, everything was as it was before he left, with one or two minor changes, obviously. Being back with him has reinforced my feelings for him, i know that i want to be his forever. Just before he left, he told me that he loved me, and he knew this tour would make us stronger. You know what, he was right (as always.....Naidel is infallible....apparently). It has made us stronger. It has made us stronger as individuals and stronger as a couple.
I have my dear Naidel for one more week before he is shuffled back off to 'The 'Ghan' to fight 'Terry'.....and apparently i get the surprise on Friday! Thankfully its not that long a wait until he is back home for good! I have a month off work booked from 17th Sept to 15th Oct so we can be together, which is going to be absolutely fabomundo!
So back to the grind but with a happy heart. Not even the words of Captain Sarcasm can bring me down today!!! (Plus i have just learnt some extreemly good news about my job but as it is still a secret i dare not post it here in case someone from work reads it). Stay tuned.......