Friday, February 08, 2008

That would so never happen!

Yes ladies and gellyspoons, I am witness to the supposed movie revolution that is ‘Cloverfield’. A mild warning – those of you who have seen the film, read on. Those of you who haven’t seen the film yet and want to see it, close the page now and don’t read this until you’ve seen it – I WILL NOT BE BLAMED FOR RUINING IT FOR YOU! And for those of you who haven’t seen it and really aren’t bothered, read on, or not, whatever, I don’t care.
So, am I the only one who felt that there were many factors of unbelieveableness (editors note – is that even a word???) that made destroyed it a bit. For example – the stupid noise that the parasitic spiders made – they were scary up until that point! And what kind of uber super camera did they have? The battery lasted well over 7 hours of continuous filming, and the camera itself survived a helicopter crash from at least 300 foot, a 70 foot drop AND a nuclear explosion! I want one of those cameras! And as for the hype that said that you ‘never see the monster’ – utter tosh!!! The film is ruined from the middle onwards because you see TOO MUCH of the damn monster!!!!
One thing I will give it thought, it does keep you thinking since the story is never resolved – after the nuclear bomb is dropped at the end, killing both Rob and Beth, there is an audio clip stating that the creature is still alive. We never find out what it is or where it comes from….well, guess what? I found out! The official word is that it is a sea monster, millions of years old, and is disturbed from its fathomed resting place by satellite falling onto it. It then reacts much like a spooked elephant – going on a frightened rampage (two weeks AFTER the satellite hit it, I might add). Apparently, on the last clip of film where Rob and Beth are finishing their day at Coney Island, you see the satellite drop from the sky into the sea (its at the far right hand corner of the screen). Its not overly obvious and thus incredibly easy to miss. I only saw it out if the corner of my eye and ignored it until it was pointed out to me. So there you go. We shall await Cloverfield 2 with baited breath…..

Friday, February 01, 2008

Something, something......Dark Side.......

Well, January is finally over! I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever be shot of it! But no, it released its death-grip on us finally and made way for February. And its not just a normal February, no no no, it is a leap year. Yush, this year we have a 29 day month, which means ladies can propose to their men (don’t worry, Naidel, I’m a traditionalist…..and afraid of rejection!). Anyway, im sure you didn’t come here to read me blather on about months…in fact, did you even mean to come here in the first place?
Since the last post there have been many things going on, to the point of me having absolutely no time whatsoever to breathe, let alone to sit down and write a blog. In fact, I am lucky I have found these rare five minutes, so I shall summarise the last month in one sentence to save time – I got an iPod Touch; I met some family member from Australia for the first time; I began teaching at Sunday School; got a new oven and thus can now bake uber cookies; fostered an addiction to cooking in general; and worked my backside of in the first proper month of my new position as PA to Aspire Mortgages. There was lots of other stuff in between, but my memory is failing me…..
Er……..what was I saying?