Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Behind, sooooooooo far behind!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Seething Jealousy (yes, yes i admit it)
So it was back to work this morning :( Today i am having to put up with a colleague of mine going on and on and on and on and on and on about the fact that she got engaged at the weekend. She keeps flashing the rock in my face. Grrrr. Yes, i will admit, there is a great deal of jealousy seething in me. Its not so back when it's someone you like, then you're jealous but happy for them at the same time, so they sort of cancel each other out. When it's someone you hate, different story. Its never fair that someone you don't like gets engaged before you. They've been together for like, a year, less than that if you include the times they broke up!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR! There, thats my rant over with. Right, back to planing and plotting.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thank the Lord
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Brain exhaustion
Monday, August 20, 2007
Space Hoppers are knackering

Most of yesterday was spent studying as i now have a very short time to finish the course projects. I have some background notes for my final project i just have to write it up into a coherent piece of writing! I'm going to be studying every opportunity i get for the next couple of weeks to get it all done on time so then i can go on holiday and completely relax in the knowledge that i have done everything :) We went walking last night despite the rain (gave me an opportunity to try out my new waterproof jacket) and i took my bergen with me. It wasn't too bad actually, the bag was quite comfortable and my stamina held out quite well, so i think i should be ok on the trip. I'm really looking forward too it, i cant wait to spend some much-needed quality time with my Naidel away from everyone and our every day lives :) T'will be bliss :)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Apple Anger
On top of that, my life writing assignment isnt going well and i have to submit it by tomorrow! I am going to work flat out on it tonight (with a break in between to have a quick chat with Psy about her possible career choices, and hopefully Naidel will be about for a chat too) so i am probably going to be completely knackered tomorrow :( I have already warned Sammy that i will not be in the best of moods tomorrow, and the best thing she could do to avoid my wrath is make sure theres a mug of peach and passionfruit tea on my desk when i get to work. Peach and passionfruit tea is a cure for grumpiness, along with chocolate, cuddles and kittens (but no boyfriend here to cuddle, cutting back on the chocolate and not allowed kittens in the office, so the tea is the last resort).
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
MISSING - Spider: Presumed consumed
A spider (and a rather large one at that) has been living in the corner of my room since friday and i have been vary brave (if i do say so myself) and allowed it to cohabit peacefully in the corner without attacking it or trying to dislodge it. I was a mite concerned when it brutally murdered another spider that happened to wander onto its web, but still, i let it continue to live (which is good for me, because its a harvest spider which is one with a big furry body and scarily long furry legs!). When i woke up this morning I looked over to see if the spider was still there (i constantly check if its still there, just uncase its wandered across the ceiling and is above me ready to pounce on my face) and it was gone! It wasnt anywhere in my room, so now i think it is either living on top of of wardrobe, under the bed, or i ate it when i was asleep *shudder*. I'm glad i hadn't named it yet....
Monday, August 13, 2007
Catch a falling star
Work is still slow as ever, and the boredom is slowly mounting. I dont think it helps much that its not long til mine and Naidel's backpacking trip. I am getting all excitable, which always makes time go slower! Dad is taking me shopping for backpacking equiptment this weekend as he's buying it for my birthday :) I already have a few bits and peices for the trip - so far i have sun lotion, deoderant, toothbrush and flannel. a good start methinks. I'm still working out and walking as much as poss, tho not walking a lot today as i am wearing high heels which are, quite frankly, murdering my feet! Gimme the comfort of my walking boots anyday!!! Guen and Ixian are packing their little suitcases ready for the trip, and Gerald is hording packets of mini-cheddars just in case there arent any on the continent.I had to throw away my favourite Tigger mug yesterday :( It got chipped somehow (methinks someone dropped names will be mentioned...grr). I do however, have a very stylish Tigger mug and bowl set for work :) I decided to give this Special K diet thing a try in a bid to get fit for the trip, so me and Sammy can often be seen with our faces in our bowls at 9 am in the morning :)*yawn* I wish today was over so i can go home and nap...i mean...write my assignment and go to the gym...
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Boredom....with a side of boredom...
This week i have rediscovered some old friends from high school and from my childhood, which was nice. It was nice to catch up with them all and see how they're doing. Nearly every single one of them has just gradutated Uni (i have to admit it, i am a little jealous), and around 87% of them are engaged or married! Not to mention the fact that 43% of them have kids and/or are pregnant! And these people are younger than me! They all seem really happy tho, which is good.
Speaking of weddings, my cousin Alison got engaged this week, so we shall be shuffling down to London on the 22nd of December for her wedding :)
Right, back to staring at the wall.....watching paint dry would be more fun right now....
Monday, August 06, 2007
Bubble blowing
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Shooooooooooooooooooooooooooooes!!!! :)

This is Sammie's new friend who has been named Spanky the Frog. Here he is in his trendy Prada shades peeping over into my cubicle...
This is what happens when the directors get changed for social events in the office and leave their suits at work. This is their replacement whilst they are on holiday.
This is me working alongside the 'replacement director'....
Today: ZzZzZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zZZZzz................