So since it has been a few days since i have updated, i shall trawl the depths of my memory for an update (bear with it, its not running a full speed)....
Tuesday: Tuesday was bad as DM and Fos have had a huge falling out which has thus left the DnD group without another player. Leaving a grand total of two of us. Oh dear. So following the fight i came home early and we had just settled down to watch 'Waking the Dead' (after the lemon squeezer incident last week there was no way i was going to miss the first few minutes again) when Naidel's dad came in and said he'd a got a new car for Naidel's mum and we should take it out for a drive. And it was indeed shiny and pretty. So i got in the car, everyone else came out, and just as Naidel's dad was about to go back inside, Naidel's brother closed the front door and thus we were locked out. So we had to drive to Norwich to retrieve the spare key and when we got back we'd missed the whole programme!
Yesterday: Yesterday we were without directors or managers....or advisors for that matter! So thus, we found something to amuse ourselves. Observe.....

This is Sammie's new friend who has been named Spanky the Frog. Here he is in his trendy Prada shades peeping over into my cubicle...
This is what happens when the directors get changed for social events in the office and leave their suits at work. This is their replacement whilst they are on holiday.
This is me working alongside the 'replacement director'....
Today: ZzZzZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zZZZzz................
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