Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Winter's Tale

I am freezing. The cold is eating away at my fingers and toes and various other limbs and I’m not liking it. The wind is howling around my office as if it’s Alaska (it certainly feels like it. Any minute now I expect to see a polar bear with a festive scarf passing by the window). The forecast is snow just after Christmas, which, as much as it like snow, doesn’t cheer me a huge amount because a) I am now too close to work to be able to call in claiming I have been snowed in b) I’ll have to walk to work in it.
But on a lighter note, today I shall have in my possession the Rocket Dog boots I have been craving for so long! My Dad gave me a Schuh gift card for my Christmas present, and last night I went to seek out my desired boots. I put them on my feet, walked around, and they were wonderful. I went to take them off, and the zip snapped. Bugger! I was not best pleased. So thus, I shall have to wait until late night shopping tonight to liberate a pair of size 7’s from the other store. Still, at least I’ll have them ready for London this weekend! Apart from a boot-liberation movement, this evening shall be largely preparation for this weekend’s festivities – primping, polishing and plucking, packing our clothes and adjusting my gown for Alison’s wedding since the straps need shortening. I have an image of me shivering on a cold tube in an elegant teal gown and clutching onto a well-dressed Naidel as people eye-up my ice……hmmm…..maybe well take a cab to the church…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.